This blog post serves two purposes. First it provides information about 3RCC Community Day and all of the fun things that will happen that day. Secondly, it serves as a social story that can be printed and reviewed as needed in preparation for attending 3RCC community day.
What is 3RCC Community Day?
3RCC Community Day is an event for any interested community members, Three Rivers Community Care clients, and client families. We will come together to play games, tie-dye shirts, learn new things, and celebrate Three Rivers Community Care’s (3RCC) 5th birthday.
Where is 3RCC Community Day?
3RCC Community Day is at the New Shelter at Carnegie Park. There’s a pavilion with concrete floors and a large, open, grassy field where there will be activities and vendor tables. We can’t control the weather unfortunately, so listen to the weather forecast to know what the best clothes to wear that day will be.
On the street front there will be spots blocked off for trucks from the community to park. You will be able to touch and learn about these trucks.
What can I do I 3RCC Community Day?
There will be games to play like cornhole and ladderball. You can bring your own t-shirt to tie-dye it. Make a memorial day craft for local veterans, listen to music from Three Rivers Community Care musicians, touch and learn about trucks from the community, and talk with people who do great things in the community.
At 3 PM we will have a birthday celebration and presentation for Three Rivers Community Care’s 5th birthday. We will thank the people who work for the company, sing happy birthday, and enjoy some cupcakes and cookies.
Will there be lots of people?
There might be lots of people at 3RCC Community Day. There will be big kids, little kids, and grown-ups. It might get noisy at times.
If it gets too noisy and I feel overwhelmed I can go to the sensory tent on the field. It will have sensory toys, quiet music, and space to reset.
We hope to see you at 3RCC Community Day and if you have any questions about this day please email Molly: